An inflammation around the root-end is basically the consequence of a pulp disease. The bacteria spreads out from the root to the periodontium and the surrounding bone tissue and causes various type of inflammation.
Too short obturation, broken instrument in the canal, extremely curved, calcified root-canal, overfilled obturation indicates root-end resection as well.
If the tooth needs root canal treatment, we can perform it 24 hours before the surgery.
After performing the anaesthesia we create a flap around the root-end. Then drill an easy visible hole into the bone around the apex. Next, we cut the end of the apex with a bur, and then perform a hygienic apical curettage. Finally we put a cement sealing in the apex and close the wound with sutures.
The patient should use Chlorhexamed twice a day, which disinfects the oral cavity. A soft toothbrush should be used for cleaning the wound and the suture. An ice pack can be useful to the swelling a few times a day, for 5 minutes. If necessary, medication for pain-relief is recommended as well as using antibiotics. Sutures will be removed 5 to 7 days later.